Botts/Carman/Rutledge/Schoonmaker Ancestry


Welcome! This website displays the research of Paul Rutledge Botts. If you need access, please just do the "register for an account" process and I will be notified and will approve it. Please do browse, search, and send in comments. Tips and pointers are welcome, as are corrections -- if you're a relative by all means look up your own immediate family and tell me who or what is listed wrong! This site now has more than 1,000 photos and documents, and more are added all the time. Once you're logged in you can browse the photos/documents. Each item is linked to one or more individuals in this database. Note that the photo/document filenames all begin with one of my four grandparent surnames: Botts, Carman, Rutledge, or Schoonmaker.

If you have any questions or comments about the information on this site, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

Which branch are you from?